outside the festival venue (The Sweater Factory in Ballard) at 4:45 to participate in this time-specific music event based around sunset. Participants should download the piece onto their portable listening device, and at the event they’ll be given the cue to press play 10 minutes before sunset. We’ll then sit back and listen and observe the changing of light with the music at this pivotal moment. Click here to download the music for the event.
To review...
1. Participants download the music and put it on their iPod.
2. Show up to The Sweater Factory in Ballard at 4:45pm on Saturday, January 28th
3. Press play when instructed to 10 minutes before sunset!
This event was presented around the country in the summer of 2011. You can read more about the Seattle events from last summer in The Seattle Times or on KUOW's website.